Ieri notte abbiamo provato a costruire un silenzio.
La vicenda e’ semplice. Con trasformatorio si prova sempre a trovare dei contesti in cui improvvisare.Ieri ho pensato di usare a questo proposito il software a cui sta’ lavorando August Black: Mezcal.
Questo software gira nel browser, creando una sorta di stanza sonora, in cui si puo’ entrare in vario modo e a vario titolo e tutt’uno ascoltare se stessi e gli altri, come se si fosse nello stesso posto. Per quello secondo me, come in poesia, mezcal e’ un programma per ritrovarsi in stanze.
Il tema della improvvisazione di ieri era “costruzione di un silenzio”. Un tema che spinge all’ascolto.
August ha lasciato aperto il microfono a casa sua, a Boulder, Colorado. E abbiamo cominciato ascoltando i suoni della sua stanza vuota, con alcune macchine in giardino che soffiavano via le foglie. Dopo un po’, mentre altre persone si collagavano, Kirsten da Anversa, Altri non so’ da dove e aggiungevano il loro silenzio a quello proposto da August, l’ascolto ha cominciato a assumere una dimensione extracorporea. Sentivo lontana la voce di august, nel suo pomeriggio, parlare in spagnolo in un altra stanza. Ho aggiunto alcuni rumori, un campione di suono di frigorifero, una pala sul soffitto che manda aria ma cigola… sentivo un respiro, forse Fabio? Forse Kirsten, che immaginavo al buoi in casa sua.
Senza saperlo nella stanza e’ entrata la famiglia di August, la compagna con la figlia, e ho cominciato a sentire leggere una favola, in primo piano i commenti della bimba. Noi ci avvicinavamo alla mezzanotte e quel silenzio popolato di eventi era strano, ovviamente diurno, come fosse registrato.
kirsten roosendaal ci dice:
K: I was trying to find out what was coming going out and coming in. I pushed a lot of buttons. No idea what it didAlso I don’t know how close my silence had to be to the microphone. But I liked it a lot
F: That was the idea, to throw you into something a bit misteriousK: Ok. I thought the dinostuff was not live. I didn’t think of time zones.
F: yea almost everything was live
K: Since it is called a mixer. I was looking what could be manipulated also. I listened to my sons voice brabbling and then I thought the reading to the kids was a reaction
Kirsten e Federico nella chat di telegram di IN ABSENTIA stamattina
Il prossimo incontro (stanotte, dopo cena, si chiamera’ “intorno al fuoco”. Esperimento ad ingresso libero
We tried to build a silence last night.
The story is simple. With transformatorio you always try to find contexts in which to improvise. Yesterday I thought of using the software that August Black is working on: Mezcal. This software runs in the browser, creating a sort of sound room, in which you can enter in various ways and for various reasons and listen to yourself and others, as if you were in the same place.
For that in my opinion, as in poetry, mezcal is a program to find oneself in rooms. The theme of yesterday’s improvisation was “building a silence”. A theme that encourages listening.
August left the microphone open at his home in Boulder, Colorado. And we started by listening to the sounds of his empty room, with some machines in the garden blowing the leaves away. After a while, while other people connected, Kirsten from Antwerp, Others I don’t know from where and added their silence to that proposed by August, listening began to take on an out-of-body dimension. I could hear august’s voice in his afternoon speaking Spanish in another room. I added some noises, a refrigerator sound sample, a shovel on the ceiling that sends air but creaks…
I could hear a breath, maybe Fabio? Maybe Kirsten, who I pictured in the dark in his house. Without knowing it, August’s family entered the room, her partner with her daughter, and I began to hear a story read, with the child’s comments in the foreground. We were approaching midnight and that silence populated by events was strange, obviously diurnal, as it was recorded.
as Kirsten Roosendaal tells us:
K: I was trying to find out what was coming going out and coming in. I pushed a lot of buttons. No idea what it didAlso I don’t know how close my silence had to be to the microphone. But I liked it a lot
F: That was the idea, to throw you into something a bit misterious
K: Ok. I thought the dinostuff was not live. I didn’t think of time zones.
F: yea almost everything was live K: Since it is called a mixer. I was looking what could be manipulated also. I listened to my sons voice brabbling and then I thought the reading to the kids was a reaction
Kirsten and Federico in the IN ABSENTIA telegram chat this morning
The next meeting (tonight, after dinner, will be called “around the fire”. Experiment with free admission 😉