on Saturday 25ft April, from 11am to 12 there is gonna be a “WORKSHOP” on the radio!
Without any ViSuAL references we are gonna try to move inspired by the music and the voice’s indications. Sound and Movement are gonna lead us to a journey that can help to activate our energies at the beginning of the day . Through images and beat , connection with the music and listening of our needs we are gonna explore basic principles of movement and personal perception of the moment . Without visual references , you will not have any shape or pose to copy. Our eyes will see the place were we stand and the universe of our minds without an external visual “distraction”.
It’s on our own, together we will hopefully move , dance , maybe sweat …. feeling sensual, Comfortable and eventually having fun !
OpeN interpretatiON : in times where we are more than usual in front of our screens, to not have a visual reference can be paradoxically disorientating .
But it can also be an interesting experience considering the fact that all of us will give different interpretation to the voice’s indications and this could awake also our creativity …
if you will hear Open-Close , I might do it with my legs, you’re might feel to open and close your cest instead or maybe somebody could open and close a door .
For Example!
ERD – Experimental Radio Dance
By Giuna da Bruxx