Duration as a movement condition _Repetition makes it happen_Simple_Repetition_Duration_easy Coordination_Direction_Seeing the space around you_The Earth is our Room_The Earth is our Rum_Keep it clean__LAND.
Weight_Space&Time_Lines&Curves_Direction (Suggested isolation)_Spirals_Open-Close_Finding CONFyD(a)NCE_Trust the Rhythm_Edventually EXXAGERATE_Suspension in <between>_Many Possibilities_Bend or Stretch_Rotate_Slide___ Squeezing all muscles.
Everything is there already_Everything is there already
Visualizing each Segment of the body_many layers _ ___so many links ____ _____ __ ___ ____ ____ __ _ Inside Out_Cells_Organisms_Liquid_Fluid_Organs___ Bones_Articulations_gentle muscular tension_sKin_ on top of the sKin_hairs__AIR_ ___ ____ ________moving the air________ _________________________________________________ Breath in_________________________________________ Breath Out_______________________________________ Breath in_________________________________________ SUSPEND_______________________________________ LET GO_________________________________________ Stretch your heart like a chewingum _ Like a seaweed in the bottom of the ocean_internal architecture_ Discovering New Corners.
Take Time To Digest Your Emotions_Experience tells more than words_Movement through Sound_Words Projected in the Space_Space inside our bodies_Space in <between> layers_make space in your spine_give space to your iMAGiNATiON_ Your Home is where your Butt is_the weight of your butt is the power of your love_movement never stops.
Overcoming Desire_Driving instinct_Trusting Taste_Available Attitude_Flexible mind_Organic Body_ Shake your Troubles.
Express your intention_Allow the Surprise to come__ Let go the Execution ______ be the source________ the Decision is realized in the act itself.
WALKiNG on top of the waves of RADiO ANTiDOTO
if you want to share your thoughts, feelings, sensations, feedback about your E.R.D. experience , send a mail to: se vuoi condividere pensieri, sensazioni, emozioni e opinioni riguardo la tua esperienza E.R.D. , mandaci una mail all’indirizzo sottostante.
…a little memory of that day ! Grazie ai fantastici Ludovica Luca Giorgia Cai Alessandro Alessandra Cris Federico Vittorio Lucy Francesca Cristiano il Dinosauro Riccardo Cleer Chiara Sophie ! Grazie Radio Antidoto !
Grazie ! Thank You !
Sei un regalo Pianaaa