Radio is ON… presto nuovi programmi, nel frattempo seguite i podcasts e la DOMENICA FOLLE
21:00 — 22:00 Radio Submarine solo musica africana 22:00 — 23:00 Radio Svasso Minore Hansko & musica “classica” 23:00 — 00:00 Zio fredd and his Ungovernable RadioKaos
From Our Blog
Luce nera
Forse sono un depresso di merda, forse non riesco a prendere sul serio nulla, non sono lacrime a scorrermi addosso
svasso for fun but seriously,
thinking lviv, gaza, jojo, fredd and michaela.., and the night before:
svasso ‘s
day after mixing with dolf, sorry, when you click the archiveslink, the two hours are in wrong order, suit urself
Il centro
frammenti di racconti e storie attorno a un centro
radio Baka and Keja, Rosa and Kore, Django and Jojo. Svasso (minore) ‘s first incurzionitsa after returning from Central Afrika. meeting the Dsjengi, hoping for Jojo and the girl
Continue readingradio Baka and Keja, Rosa and Kore, Django and Jojo.
i.m. voor een somalische jongen in de smalle ee
it s a wild world but u r not alone svasso will travel to africa this week, and one
Continue readingi.m. voor een somalische jongen in de smalle ee
svasso motherless child is freedom
voor kuladzje en jan basso, coming back after a gig with pksolo in the list: ritchie havens, ustvolskaja, galinatok
Actually, it’s darkness
Una puntata da zero. … Continue readingActually, it’s darkness
Amore pt. 2
In certe lingue, ci ricorda Zizek, nell’amore si “cade”. … Continue readingAmore pt. 2
Cos’è l’amore
Amore è attenzione, attenzione è consapevolezza, consapevolezza è gratitudine. … Continue readingCos’è l’amore
these days, these places; we need antidoto… en seeing the fat hungarian playing black pete in kyiv, seeing the clowns in my country, taking over..
Broken waves on the seashore
Sunday night, spoken word, ideas, stories: from my trip to the USA, from talking with my friends, maybe a bit
from the best kaffeeladen in beuel, svasso plays musichette
and he bought Elsavadorian coffee as a present for Bas, who worked in Nicaragua in the eighties! thank u
Continue readingfrom the best kaffeeladen in beuel, svasso plays musichette
svasso plays some post post-modern blues blues for ya,
in the so much respected and appreciated company of Gyacintho Scelsi, Robert Johnson and Ali Farka Toure, with (field-)
Continue readingsvasso plays some post post-modern blues blues for ya,
sun is noise
solstice no silence
Solstizio e rumore
the sun is noise. We know. Train was late. I started broadcast at 23 CEST sharp for this intervention in
Detto. Fatto.
More Posts for Show: Rigonia
Zen e violenza (radiofonica) … Continue readingOssessioni
mr. moonlight solovjej
mr . Moonlight Solovjej, for Fedjah and www. radioantidoto… svasso improvising his way through the scapes… Mr Moonlight Solovjej
driving my car down to geneva with the bamileke svasso spent some time off, driving his car down to geneva, suffering from higgs boson blues. here s the
Continue readingdriving my car down to geneva with the bamileke
Some Radio Active Statement
a night of poems scrivo di fretta, poche parole, il computer si ferma quattro volte, continuo a improvvisare… buon ascolto
svasso underwater swimming for antidoto Playlist: First hour: -Life in the Village, (trasformatorio@cosio, with Jamie d Huxley, Giulija PianA, Bas Alblas,
Rigonia: Rossonove
Intervista a Cristina Vignone … Continue readingRigonia: Rossonove