Radio is ON… presto nuovi programmi, nel frattempo seguite i podcasts e la DOMENICA FOLLE
21:00 — 22:00 Radio Submarine solo musica africana 22:00 — 23:00 Radio Svasso Minore Hansko & musica “classica” 23:00 — 00:00 Zio fredd and his Ungovernable RadioKaos
From Our Blog
traveling frogs at oostum Svasso Minore swimming on, with headphones between frogs playlist : morzelpronk; piano fractuur, kronos quartet, night prayers, zea hald
Aprire le finestre e fare entrare l’aria nuova. … Continue readingProgetti
Mi piacerebbe avere un amico come me. … Continue readingCoraggio
svasso asvogels van oostum preview :
a semi lijf striem 26 may, churchie of oostum, four composers and their ad hoc kemenymadar ensembles play their
La serie B
Certe puntate vengono meglio, certe puntate vengono peggio. Tutte le puntate devono essere trasmesse. … Continue readingLa serie B
Libertà = spazio = energia = anima … Continue readingLibertà
without company. too much conflict too much pain, hope to see u all tomorro again… so much judgement, misunderstanding
svassopentacoastalfoghorns i think i ll keep the heli on the ground today… i didnt shave yet and the gods see
Non me ne frega un cazzo
Se devi dirlo, dillo. … Continue readingNon me ne frega un cazzo
Imbrigliare il flusso di energia. … Continue readingTrasformazione
niet alles wat afwijkt is weerloos
( maar verdient wel enige bescherming…)
Un mare in burrasca, una tempesta di sabbia. L’unico modo per uscirne fuori è lasciare che la corrente ci conduca verso la meta che ci appartiene. … Continue readingGuarigione
guiseppe explaining the birds in his head Playlist svasso for la r gialla and lo z rosso and vitjah and fra. Kongerei, tuva singers and kronos
svasso last soundcheck for a soundtrack to go
with another world war Soundcheck for a soundtrack Ekatarina velika, idemo Kronos quartet, night prayers The strav orfeo backwards
Continue readingsvasso last soundcheck for a soundtrack to go
gazza la’azrak biddar odessa radio svasso minore for radio antidoto dot org, emission 12 th of May, 2024, with palestinian, ukrainian , goldbergian
Rigonia by Night
More Posts for Show: Rigonia
Rigonia torna in onda con il capo cosparso di cenere. … Continue readingDisgusto
looking for love in the strangest places
with a flash light and a radio (thats the one edited, with sasha reading the traveller froggie) (thats
Svasso from Hofgarten with Gaza,
was good to experience that there s people who want to make us think and question, they come out and
svasso m in m hospital svasso try out for his Amygdala Sonates Tapes, with the voice of Sasha Bjeljaev, all combined with “Arbor” ,
some fragments saved from an incursion of svasso for antidoto, for UNU Varmap and my beloved. playlist coming up…
Continue readingredderenwaterteredderenvaltismisschienwelgoedgenoeg..
work? or show yourself in the street?
make radio? it all seems so meaningles, i m trying to channel the madness and sadness i feel when i
…just arrived in time na tramvajnoj ostanovke im. bertha van S.
to take over from VitjaH ( radio VictorChino, who did an great interview and Yara (radio Submarine), who played music
Continue reading…just arrived in time na tramvajnoj ostanovke im. bertha van S.