radio Svasso for Sasha and Masha in P.
( the title is a quote from Zea…. the picture is by Sask from Kenya.
I put my hopes on Africa, as long as Africa doesn t put Hers in Putin..
Svasso minore ( “fuutje ” ) playing for radio antidoto dot org:
hedgehogs, bicycles and geese, hanns eisler and berthold brecht with kiki for navalny on spijkers met koppen, with Denis Sorokin: Memorial, Jainda: lighthouse, Zu: goodnight civilization, p.j. Harvey kicks it to the ground; Orchestre Baobab: Mohamoudou Bamba, Go_a , Solovjej, acoustic, Igor Stravinsky s elegy with Dylan Thomas’ death shall have no dominion, @mislzig Mislzig playing along with the radio Haiti Totem Pole, field rec s from the Dam at Alexei s place, Florence and the Machine , love will tear us apart, ( Joy Division cover..), Patti Smith Pissing in a river, while Mingus keeps on fighting…
playing Kiki for Navalny, @radio2 spijkers met koppen,, Denis, Eisler, and the Sound, Orchestre Baobab: We are still each other’s only hope..
….gisteren vierden we een soort Charles Mingus Day; in Utrecht kwamen we samen ( Austeja, Gabija, Ruggero, Chris, Bas en ik…)
om als Plan Kruutntoone en Ahura Mazda 3000 de eerste keer wat groffe lijnen en uitgewerktere structuren boven en onder en naast elkaar te juxtaposeren… circus mingus. wat een feest! Ik ben blij en trots weer “orkestleider” te mogen zijn, maar nu gedeeld met Bas ( en Chris en Ruggero Di Luisi . en Austeja en Gabija Bartulytė Gabija: you kick asssssssssss, woooo, lithuanian soul sistah ‘s, biiiig Atsju. Looking forward to our Congregation at the Rock, with deacon Dolf Planteijdt , waar Reinier van Houdt, R.P. Tikin, Gareth Davis, Dennis Alexander Schmitz, Rikkie Edens (van the Birdbrains… en misschien zelfs “our existing with Fabian” will be present, too. the “Choir of the Youngest Day…”
In an anti clerical gospel orgy to say No to letting “leaders” think or decide for you and me… ( meanwhile in the car i managed to finish one of my scores for Denis Sorokin, and when coming back, did another Svasso minore for Radio Antidoto, especially for Sasha Belyayev, our man in there…. who gave the me the great soviet bass as a present in 1988 when visiting us with Televizor….. Sasha and Masha , we are here, we love you!!) ( ik denk dat het belangrijk is om (elkaar) vast te blijven houden, zoals arnold ZEA zegt: we re still eachother s only hope…