djakuju antidoto and grazie ceda i olgica, thnk u fredd for working in Spielberg at the Radical Opera Center
some svasso soup ; sounds to enjoy, for all ascoltatoricicaicori!
svasso playing some music, from the kitchen in bonn,
comforted by the fact he felt theres good people around, too..
(and still enjoying the memory of being put off the train, yesterday, old school romantic travels in nihilon…
playlist :
scelsi piano voor Reinier
tallest man on earth live a jules holland
with a bit of my text added… for Lei
field rec from the woods near Scheidt/Sarrebrueck for Sask
sex crime 1984 eurythmics
freedom city utrecht krump hip hop stuff, i like, for Vitjah Chino
graindelavoix, gesualdo, tenebrae
Bury me sitting, Hansko, for Arturo Rimbaud and Jamie D Huxley
field rec from a tower near scheidt, singing old finnish gypsie song
Bach, d minor fugue from the woltemp.
Talking heads live in newe jersey, houses in motion
( with adrian belew and my kogans!) for Cri
multiperson disorder and borderline from Amygdala Sonates by reinier van houdt, hansko visser and Bas Alblas, live at defka Assen, for Aimee.
en Dennis A S.
kiraly quartet part one, version for strange organ… hansko
with the hedghog moving its young..( thnk u vroege vogels bnn vara)
fool on the hill, for fedja, beatles
running with the devil… for fredd! van halen, live intro from the car !
graindelavoix, gesualdo, tenebrae
eternal now, don cherry.
svasso soup from bonn on the pic,
grazie Antidoto, Grazie Ceda i Olgica! spasibo Wilhelmina E Jansen fonds..
and… also… danke dir, Illias, at the best in Bonn Beuel, for a really good place to work..