the sun is noise. We know. Train was late. I started broadcast at 23 CEST sharp for this intervention in the magic initiative from our sisters and brothers in Cile. It started in noise. The train was stopping in the station 40 minutes late, so i used my phone connection. Had barely the headphones on my head. The noise of the train, the one of the broken miccccrophone in my old laptop. Of my steps while i move like a madman in the small town of Alassio, on the coast, to reach after 2 days of travel my friend’s house.
You can ear all this, then our meeting, then calming down a mix of sounds and thoughts form my trip to america and from other places this year. The ucranian refugees in the house in germany, the voices in the train station in frankfurt, voices in the car, voices of people i love, dear friends, telling stories, laughing, expressing their insight, serious non radiophonic brushes? Yeah, off course, for non radiophonic hairs.
this is the progrrrram of the show in radio tsonami that we are going to rebroadcast in it’s entirety befor ethe moon is full…
SOLSTICIO RADIAL 2024 : La Fiesta del Sol
20 JUNIO 2023 | 16:00 a 00:00 GMT-4

Este jueves 20 de junio de 2024, en el día del solsticio de invierno, nos sintonizamos y reunimos nuevamente en torno al fuego de la radio, para celebrar el paso de un nuevo año y prepararnos para recibir las energías del nuevo Sol.
En vivo desde B.A.S.E., ubicada en Cerro Barón, Valparaíso, compartiremos junto al equipo de Tsonami
Arte Sonoro y amigxs de Radio Tsonami. Durante la tarde iremos presentando y escuchando colaboraciones recibidas desde diversos territorios, abriendo también espacio a conversaciones, derivas y a eso de las 20:00 horas improvisaciones individuales y grupales desde el estudio de Radio Tsonami. Ritualizando así este retorno del sol y entregando una ofrenda radiofónica para dar la bienvenida a este nuevo ciclo.