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Radio is ON… presto nuovi programmi, nel frattempo seguite i podcasts e la DOMENICA FOLLE

21:00 — 22:00 Radio Submarine solo musica africana 22:00 — 23:00 Radio Svasso Minore Hansko & musica “classica” 23:00 — 00:00 Zio fredd and his Ungovernable RadioKaos


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From Our Blog

mo and aron, adrian und hanns, nina en seamus, schonberg and chicago art, OC/DC and MC Abdul…. what can u do… at least, that is what i think Arnold Schonberg tried to tell me Yesterday.. a two hours svasso

Continue readingmo and aron, adrian und hanns, nina en seamus, schonberg and chicago art, OC/DC and MC Abdul…. what can u do…


Quasi un ora di radio di notte