Nono-Red-Roma ( ForFredd)

svasso playing field rec s from bonnistan ( asasello kwartet at in situ art) and music by lennon plastic ono ( god), roma ( ando drom), ivica ( gone bald) chahar mezrab/abu ata/hossein and then filling in for Lo Zio Fredd ( kicked out by the italian connection..) with bowie, kurdish dancers and ahura mazda 3000 covering lennon’s god…. for radioantidoto dot aaaaargh!


zondag 17 nov

svasso, hansko mislzig for

lijfgestriemd from bonn, nrw.

how do you sleep; lennon plastic ono band

viva palestina, berlin demo,

bach, bouchkov playing chaconne

peter ralchev plays lautarii music

mislzig for christiano siri

Adrian borland and the sound, I cant escape myself

Oum Kalthoum, (Egypt)

Andy from Fugazi, all is politics

Gone Bald live at Volta

Keloli phabo, ando drom

jure, luka,  and the man that makes the bridge at kult 41

me, neurieing outside at the sieg auen

Zwolle peperbus

nono by asasello at in situ art bonn,

reading jan yoors

plan kruutntoone, brigaki

repairing joost verhagens shruti box

a little organ from hauteroche

herken de kolgans

susanna and the machine, love will tear us apart, joy div)

marco playing the judge and the dwarf, proloco cosio

marely, is this love

wild is the wind, bowie live at bbc

Alizadeh Hossein, abu atta, chahar mezrab

henry grimes and racheed ali, sonic youth,

and bach chaconne

ub 40 one -in -ten

sue in a season of crime, bowie

giunA, bas , hansko mislzig  situationists at trasformatorio, cosio,

Kurdish female dancers culture revival

god is a concept, lennon/ono/plastic ono

god is gereedscahp, plan kruutntoone  and ahura mazda 3000 with austeja.

playlist:zondag 17 novsvasso,
hansko mislzig for lijfgestriemd
from bonn, nrw. how do you
sleep; lennon plastic ono bandviva
palestina, berlin demo,bach,
bouchkov playing chaconnepeter
ralchev plays lautarii musicmislzig for
christiano siriAdrian borland
and the sound, I cant escape myselfOum
Kalthoum, (Egypt)Andy from
Fugazi, all is politicsGone Bald
live at VoltaKeloli phabo,
ando dromjure, luka,
 and the man that makes the bridge at
kult 41me, neurieing
outside at the sieg auenZwolle peperbusnono by
asasello at in situ art bonn,reading jan
kruutntoone, brigakirepairing
joost verhagens shruti boxa little
organ from hauterocheherken de
kolganssusanna and
the machine, love will tear us apart, joy div)marco
playing the judge and the dwarf, proloco cosiomarely, is
this lovewild is the
wind, bowie live at bbcAlizadeh hossien,
abu atta, chahar mezrabhenry
grimes and racheed ali, sonic youth, and bach
chaconneub 40 one
-in -tensue in a
season of crime, bowiegiunA, bas
, hansko mislzig  situationists at
trasformatorio, cosio,Kurdish female
dancers culture revivalgod is a
concept, lennon/ono/plastic onogod is
gereedscahp, plan kruutntoone  and ahura
mazda 3000 with austeja.

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