nie wieder is jetzt!

Fedja works in Piccola Odesa, Masja plays the old Piano, Svasso does Antidoto:
two hours of music ( hudaki, ustvolskaja, mcAbdul and power to the bees…) field recs from the anti fascist meeting in Gelnhausen, text, read by svasso, from the speech of Masha Gessen when rewarded ( in private…) the Hannah Arendt prize…
thank you radio antidoto dot org, thank you richard davis, thank you, kopachinskaja, thank you ceda i olgica, djakuju Mash, Dash, Vik, i Art!
playlist coming up!!!
i loved the pasta, Fedja!
Svasso (m.)

radio svasso minore semi-live from lizzie wagner roc,
28- 01 -2024
jurgen veenstra/wh^rl- powwr to the bees
woman speaker at anti afd demo in gelnhausen
the specials – a message to you
hansko monkjazeerakhaamblues,
beatles – old brown shoe, with kurt wagners yamaha ..
ustvolskaja, prelude ( piano)
the marvelettes – please,,mr postman
Watcha sings ( Jola from Senegal)
the sound – resistance
with fragmenst of mischa Hillesum playing Bach..
field rec, oberste markt, 27jan 2024, gelnhausen
mc Abdul from Gaza..
Leo Brouwer plays Leo Brouwer a day in November
jiddish song from Odesa
with fragments from Kontaket, Karl Heinz Stockhausen
Plan Kruuttnoone met Razorblade JR, Volken de Vlas, Andreja Kosavic, Henry Alles, Federico , il cane, Bonelli,
mixed with Pussy Riot ( Ru), I cant breath, forGeorge Floyd..( Usa)
goldene zitronen: katakombe
with a touch of Elvis in the Ghetto,
and sounds of the First Nations , Canada
Eric Dolphy and Richard Davis – Muses
Rosa Henderson- He may be your Dog but he s wearing my Collar,
Hudaki Villiage Band, live at the Kulturkeller, Waechtersbach.
Hansko; Blues for Bert Jan.
The Jam- this is a modern world
the hedgehog moving its childeren to a safer place… ( vroege vogels, Bnn Vara)
round square field rec gelnhausen
ando drom, ( “hungarian” romale): alo malo
sharhabil ahmed, sudan Maly ya saly, habibi funk
neneh cherry and the thing, , the accordeon,
( with Pal nilsen love, mats gustavson!)
with viola sonata, shostakovitsj, for a while teacher of Galina U, but had to learn from her…)
newen afrobeat ( chile) with seung kuti: oposite people: them go show themseselves!…
herken de kolgans
oregon light house
antifa gelnhausen
george harrison: my sweet lord
richard davis and eric dolphy
with a bit of Dido, no white flag,
and a lot of Terrapolis, Giulia DeVal, guys doing Parkour
and the hedgehog..
Eric Dolphy, Booker little, Richard Davis? live at the five spot: Aggression
( ill check for the drummer… sorry)
children and me doing rattles and self buit listopadshakers at gelnhausen.
Danuk, Syrian Kurdish Music,. Le Le
Viva la Mexico in the Mehrzweckhalle… ( il cane , Bonelli)
Bicycle Olympiaplein,
morton Feldman ( cardew trio, with Sam Richards?) Crippled Symmetry
PKSOLO , “hotel uropa”
David Byrne, Catherine Wheel,
Reading from speech of Masha Gessen, accepting Hannah Arendt Prize,
(masha gessen survived putin and trump: she wrote : surviving autocracy…)
a very clear mind!
David Bowie; this is not America
with the rattles from the kids in Gelnh.
Ida Cox, wild women don t have the blues
ustvolskaja piece, for contrabasses, piano and wooden box ( kopachinskaja)
plus hedgehog..
from Ando Drom, djilav tu.. the album..
herken d kolgans/vadni rats, for Jan Yoors and Djidjo..
spoki noki
your truly,
for Antidoto, thank you Fredd..