svasso underwater swimming for antidoto


First hour:

-Life in the Village, (trasformatorio@cosio, with Jamie d Huxley, Giulija PianA, Bas Alblas, and  

 Hansko Visser.

  • Orfeusfuga for Saskia, Hansko Visser
  • Sounds for Garsjins travelling frog and Dennis Alexander Schmitz
  • The cure, seventeen seconds
  • Anton Webern, quartet
  • Kosheen I ll hide u, dr and b mix
  • David Sylvian and Ryuichi Sakamoto, forbidden colors
  • Anna Korsun, Pulsar
  • Hedgehog mving it s child ( vroege vogels, vara)
  • Lighthouse, Portland
  • Sasha B reads  Krasnij Tsvetok, for Amygdala s,
  • Billy Holliday, Time on my hands
  • Stravinskij orfeo ballet sample by svasso
  • Goldene Zitronen, Mauer bauen
  • And still more Pulsar, thank you Anna Korsun
  • Trains near brussels
  • Tarquino Meralu, canzone, I ll  add more details, sorry
  • Voronoi collective trio , live at ms, Tisa
  • Plan kruutnoone , volkslied van een verlopen natie
  • Giacynto Scelsi 4 pezzi, Aaron,
  • Voronoi Collective trio

Second hour:

  • Plan kruutntoone, brigaki
  • Voronoi collective trio
  • Agbadza, Ewe, volta region, Ghana


  • Hans Unstern und Ja, Panik, live.
  • Dylan thomas reads do not go gentle..
  • Piano sonata, Ustvolskaja.
  • Jasna Velickovic ensemble for Kemenymadar.. at orgelpark
  • Hudaki village band, live at waechtersbach
  • Per maria basile, vittima della morale del fascismo civile
  • Stravinskij , Psalmensymfonie, part two, fugue
  • The sound new dark age
  • Rubakov Trio, untitled,, with Ruggero di Luisi and Bas Alblas and Hansko Mislzig
  • Udo Moll, chamber music, Koln, I love this! RIP in music dear Udo.
  • Seamus Cater, Crabb
  • Scelsi? Sorry, I ll check
  • Age of reality, LKJ
  • Henry Grimes with Rasheed Ali
  • Romica Puceano, vintule, asphalt rec. with Gore Brothers
  • Miss Ratched from One flew over the cuckoo s nest…
  • Sinead o connor, live at pinkpop, solo.. troy

Third hour:

  • A spot from our Macedonian sponsor..
  • First Nations Kanada, music ( ill try to fond out who they are,,
  • Gord Downie, the stranger
  • Viva viva palestina. Demo In Berlin
  • Jewish folk music from odessa
  • EKV, idemo
  • Mark bouchkov , Bach Chaconne I. d minor
  • Orfeus fugue
  • Udo Moll!!
  • Guillaume pool grens, tussen het vee en de hemel with collins agbezodor and aaron lumley
  • Drp, Plan Kruutntoone
  • Bach Chaconne

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