Arriving just in time back in bonn, from piccola odessa,
Svasso puts remain in light, ( by talking heads,) recordings from Impakt Bruitkasten Koln ( mixing Leif, Hendrick and Vasco with Graneg and some favourite Svasso sounds.
Playing you a bit of Nino Gvilia, the trio that will play upcoming concert at the little church of Oostum.
Happy to have been able to work together with our Ukrainian friends, to repair the doors of the house and the shed! Was a great pleasure 🙂
Talking heads ( with Adrian Belew!) from Lp Remain in Light:
full first five songs! (And why not, it is an album that’s helps us through darker days..)
Live from Bruitkasten, Impakt am Ebert Platz: Leif Berger (1), Hendrick Eichler, Vasco Furtado improvise on a sixfooted skinned organism… mixed with a part of Graneg Sandpapier s concert the same evening, and herken de kolgans ( vroege vogels), de egel verhuist haar jong ( idem), fiets olympiaplei,n, the Haiti Radio Pole and:
Hanns Eisler//Berthold Brecht: an den Kleinen Radio Apparat,
Nino Gvilia, exerpt from Green Larynx Uterus live concert.
Thank u, djakuju, spasibo, hvala, danke, grazie, shukran, take care ( of each other, especially in Ramadan times)
Hansko, Svasso